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About Batjargal

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  1. Thanks for repyling! You told about "So you must upgrade the product or you can wait until it's cover for Essential in Q4 2024." Where can i find this information? Can you provide URL?
  2. We uses Eset Protect on perm Essentials, almost has 500 users. Now i researching about add Vulnerability section to Eset Protect web console. How to add Vulnerability to essentials? Because essentials is the right product for 500 users? How many cash needed and Its possible??
  3. This idea is worked! and thanks for replied my post sir! Big thanks...
  4. hello guys. my company uses eset antivirus and im cyber security in my company so im new guy this work. So my boss required that send phishing email to all employers and i used Gophish tool send some employee's that ESET is detected gophish.. How allow only gophish tool in eset??? guys help me step by step
  5. We use ESET Protect-On Perm web console, ESSENTIALS product... My company has more than 500 employees. But some employees are not using eset. It's hard for me to find all of them manually, so please let me know if there is an easy way to find them. And all employees in one windows domain. Please help me guys ...
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