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Cider Phil

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About Cider Phil

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    Great Britain

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  1. I cannot accept this premise. If I purchase a three year licence from a supplier, the vendor must continue to supply the service until the end of the contract period or cancel the licence and provide a refund. To refuse to provide the service or refund the licence fee, implies that the vendor is in breach of contract, and I am sure that this would apply in Slovak courts as well as the UK courts. I live in the UK and, as this is a "Home" licence, for me as an individual, the Consumer Rights Act 2015 must apply. The Act applies to terms in consumer contracts between traders and consumers and covers unfair terms and conditions. I am quoting from the guidance issued by the Competitions and Markets Authority. See Unfair contract terms guidance: Draft for consultation (publishing.service.gov.uk). Am I likely to pursue this in the courts - no, it would cost too much. Will I take my business to another provider when the licence period ends - yes. Will I refer this to the Competitions and Markets Authority as a matter of principle - probably. ESET should consider more carefully how it treats its customers.
  2. I purchased a three year licence for Home Security Ultimate in May this year. I therefore have a contract with ESET. I am now getting popups saying that I must agree new terms and conditions to continue using ESET. I have not upgraded or installed anything new. I would have accepted the terms and conditions when I purchased the new licence. ESET cannot arbitrarily change the terms and conditions and then refuse to allow you to continue to use the licence that you paid for. That must be illegal.
  3. I purchased a 3 year licence for ESET Home Ultimate back in May. I therefore have a contract in place with ESET. Why am I getting messages that say I have to agree to new terms and conditions to keep using ESET? Surely it is not legal to change the terms of a contract after a contract has been agreed? Phil G
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