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About cpm1985

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  1. Does ESET have any idea the amount of anxiety this is causing so many users? This kind of thing never happens, EVER. Not McAfee, not Norton, not Kaspersky; not Microsoft, not Apple, not Adobe. No software company ever just randomly presents a pop message requiring agreement to anything after a minor version upgrade. Especially a version upgrade that is pushed silently. itman (Rank: Master in the ESET Forum) says there "might be a bug in the ver. 17.2 installer." Is that the case? ESET should exhibit some corporate responsibility to officially explain why this happened to reassure all loyal users. I doubt many customers really care about the terms of use language, or what changed since we initially installed ESET and (I assume) already clicked to agree. All we really care about is that the pop up message is safe to click and that nothing is going wrong. Some transparency would be nice.
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