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About Bill001

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  1. The problem of submitting a technical support work order showing “Please check the reCAPTCHA button to continue.” still exists The local reseller sent me a strange email, it looks like there is something wrong with their email configuration that is preventing them from receiving tech support related messages. A screenshot of the email will be sent to you via private message.
  2. I try it.But the likelihood of the misinformation being resolved from here on out is slim to none.
  3. As for the effect of reporting false positives/missed positives from samples@eset.com, the success rate of reporting is random, I have reported the virus file once in the past and succeeded, but this time the report of false positives has not been resolved, and only received a reply from the machine saying that he had received the file and then nothing else, and in the end, it was only when I came to this forum that I was able to solve the problem.
  4. 从此页面 https://www.eset.com/int/support/contact/ 使用 eset 软件的内置报告渠道几乎没有效果
  5. See picture for problem How to report false positives has also become a problem, I can only do it now by posting messages on the forums
  6. Technical support is not available for users in China When submitting a technical support request on this page, users in China will not be able to pass the recaptcha authentication due to network problems. The message will say “please check the recaptcha button to continue.” By the way: the support service in China sucks, even after submitting a work order to them, there is no response, and 9 times out of 10, an email to support[at]version-2.com.cn will not be answered!
  7. Maybe It‘a false positive sample,please help me password:infected By the way, I can't reach the false positives by reporting them in the software or by emailing them to the sample mailbox. DirectX Repair.rar
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