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About Sean_TER

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  1. we've only had ESET Protect, (cloud) and were running endpoint AV all this time. I've had to go in and completely redo the policies (even though they were supposed to be carried over from version 6)
  2. same issue. such a wonderful, well thought out release of ESET 8.. can I get a refund on my licenses for all the lost work due to this 'update' ??
  3. So today I was alerted by one of my users who installed Sequoia that they lost internet, and after investigating, it was because ESET. My dashboard, shows every clients' ESET application/modules as being 'up-to-date', yet they are clearly not. We're on 6.616.1 but Sequoia requires 8.1 😮 2 major versions difference. This 8.1 version was not announced, no mention anywhere on the dashboard, no email. YET IT IS REQUIRED to use Sequoia. This 8.1 version was released on Sept 9th. yet as of today when Sequoia was released there is still no update/mention of it. After I contacted support chat, they explained that I need to create a task to update the version (was always automatic in the past), I've done this now, and all the macs on my dashboard have gone RED. (all are in various states of critical/errors to do with the ESET installer). So the 1 thing ESET is supposed to do, protect me from threats, has now caused the problems by not being aware of its own updates etc. and the convoluted path to update to a required version. So for Mac users they can: update to Sequoia, and lose all internet connectivity, or the ability to connect to wifi because outdated ESET blocks it. (also blocking the ability to update ESET) requiring a support visit to remove/reinstall etc. update to ESET 8.1 (sequoia version), which doesn't work via task, breaks everything on the local mac, and then still requires a support visit to uninstall/reinstall clear errors etc. sounds well thought out and customer friendly. for sure!
  4. Hello. I'm trying to get more information from my generated notifications I receive in email. Using the built-in notifications, I've just added my email and they "seem" to work, but the information is too vague. "clients haven't connected in 14 days".. "managed clients not connecting" Which clients?? These notifications have zero information and nothing I can click to see which client they're referring to. I found this page about notification settings, and they mention adding "variables" and using $ character, seems great, EXCEPT this "add variable" button doesn't exist... https://help.eset.com/protect_cloud/en-US/admin_ntf_notifications.html?admin_ntf_distribution.html oContent—Click the edit icon to edit the content; after editing the content, you can click the reset icon to reset the default message content For Events on managed computers or groups, you can add variables to Subject and Content to include specific information in the notification. Click Add variable or start typing $ to display the list of variables. What am I doing wrong here? There is no variable button and also No option: "Include a link in the email—Select the check box to include a link to the Web Console with details about the event from the notification."
  5. finally gotten this working.. there is an option to create a live installer w/ just the agent. You all might consider redoing the online documentation on these products as it is quite mixed up between On prem and Cloud, and difficult to follow, but thanks for following along.. 🤷‍♂️
  6. kinda gone down a rabbit hole here... was able to install the RD Sensor, after having to install an outdated version of WinPcap. (??) still doesn't work.. find out I need the agent installed as well.. https://help.eset.com/protect_cloud/en-US/component_installation_rd_sensor_windows.html Installed the agent, or trying to, but it wants the location of a "server" I'm guessing an "On-prem" protect instance?? So once again we're back to "on-prem" being required to use the Cloud Console.. https://help.eset.com/protect_install/90/en-US/arch_agent.html?component_installation_agent_windows.html then there is this... 6.Select one of the following installation options and follow the steps from the appropriate section below: •Server assisted installation - You will need to provide ESET PROTECT Web Console administrator credentials. The installer will download the required certificates automatically. You cannot use a user with two-factor authentication for server-assisted installations. So at this point I'm stuck and it seems that "on-prem" is required. Or am I understanding all this incorrectly? How do I continue the Agent install process using "cloud console"? put the URL of my console as 'server host' ? /boggle
  7. Sorry if these are newbie questions, 2nd day using this product... I'm trying to use Rogue Detection to find all the computers on my network, but it doesn't seem to work at all. Everything I search for online seems to reference "On-Prem", and all the help pages seem to also reference this. I've tried to follow https://help.eset.com/protect_admin/10.0/en-US/fs_using_rd_sensor.html (again it seems to be talking about "on-prem".). and this page, https://help.eset.com/protect_admin/10.0/en-US/admin_pol_rd_sensor.html?admin_pol_rd_sensor.html I've created a policy as there wasn't one, yet it does nothing. Maybe I don't fully understand these products, but isn't the point of the ESET Protect (cloud), so you don't have to install a "server" locally etc. yet many things don't seem to work just using the cloud console. Here is a photo of the "RD report" I'm concerned that it has "Server Name" at the top. Does ESET Protect require "On-prem" AND Cloud console?? thanks Sean
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