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About uhorisko

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  1. Hello, I tried your procedure but without success. Steps I did: 1. Boot clean Rocky VA 2. entering the command: update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:SHA1 3. Pull database - passed OK 4. Config of the new VA - filled in (hostname, pass, IP address) 5. Restart and same error
  2. Hello, did you figured out this ? I have problem with migration from CentOs to Rocky VA : New connection settings are 'hostname': '', 'port': 2222 Checking server connection... Connection checked successfully. Getting certificate from server... Received server certificate is not valid. Please check whether server contains valid peer certificate from provided hostname. Cleaning up setup directories '/opt/appliance/installers/Agent.sh --skip-license --cert-auto-confirm --export-fingerprint=/tmp/server_fingerprint_agent.txt --hostname='' --port='2222' --replication-interval 'R/20 * * * * ? *' --create-ca --webconsole-hostname='' --webconsole-port='2223' --webconsole-user='Administrator' --webconsole-password=*****' command failed with 1.
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