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About AlfredoBenni

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  1. Please check these two images. I have the distinct impression that malware is lurking in here. I recently suffered an attempted attack by Chinese hackers who attempted to reset the password on the site and then left comments on these images. Very strange!
  2. Where are the malicious scripts placed in JS ? I can't find them to clean up the files Thanks
  3. Good morning, I am having a problem with this site being compromised. www.exoterica.it. Eset on online website detects malware I went through sitecheck.secure.net and it detects the following locations. Malware Found hxxp://www.exoterica.it/404testpage4525d2fdc (More Details) Known javascript malware: malware.injection?35.62 Malware Found https://www.exoterica.it/checkout/ (More Details) Known javascript malware: malware.injection?35.62 Malware Found https://www.exoterica.it/chi-siamo/ (More Details) Known javascript malware: malware.injection?35.62 Malware Found https://www.exoterica.it/exoterica/ (More Details) Known javascript malware: malware.injection?35.62 Malware Found https://www.exoterica.it/exoterika-studio/ (More Details) Known javascript malware: malware.injection?35.62 Malware Found https://www.exoterica.it/negozio/ (More Details) Known javascript malware: malware.injection?35.62 Malware Found https://www.exoterica.it/rituali/ (More Details) Known javascript malware: malware.injection?35.62 I downloaded the site locally via FTP but ESET on the PC does not detect anything on the pages locally. How do I proceed with remediation since the malware is obfuscated and a JS injection ? Kind regards Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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