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About har203

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  1. I have a problem with configuration of ESET Internet Security. At first installation the name of my computer was correct ("laptop4"). Then a made some changes on my computer (device) and reinstalled ESET. In ESET Home the name of my device "laptop4" is not available / usable anymore. I tried to deinstall the programm, also to remove my "ESET Home account", but nothing is working. I do not find a list of "old unconnected devices" with a feature to remove those devices out of the list. For my computer I only see the last name of this device - now for me it is "laptop4-14". My device has only *one* correct name: and this is "laptop4". ==> How can I change this device name . You can see I am at level / number "-14". This is a complete nonsens of configuration methode - and only for loosing time and time again, ...
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