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About tickermcse76

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  1. I have an executable that needs to be added to the ESET exclusion policy. This executable can be located in multiple paths. For example: C:\Program\custom.exe D:\Program Files\Program\custom.exe E:\Program Files\ProgramB\custom.exe Rather than create a separate line item for each install path that may exist in the environment, I would like to create a wildcard exclusion if possible. I have a tried a few different formats, but none of them seem to have the desired effect. I test by pushing the policy, confirming the new exclusion item exists on the client, and then right click the file and scan. If ESET scans the file (1 file scanned), I know the policy did not work. If I put an explicit exclusion on the server (ie c:\program\custom.exe) and manually scan it, ESET will return "0 files scanned" confirming the exclusion.
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