We have had this issue on our website for a week now.
We had some web developers find and remove some javascript which looked like it was the issue but we are still getting the checkout pages blocked.
Time;Scanner;Object type;Object;Detection;Action;User;Information;Hash;First seen here
30/06/2023 8:01:32 am;HTTP filter;file;https://knightgroup.co.nz/checkout/cart;JS/Spy.Banker.KN trojan;connection terminated;DESKTOP-35G460M\Rob;Event occurred during an attempt to access the web by the application: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe (652FBB385E69B25D40A17DF64CDC8520C3F9AABA).;0B7A033FBC33BC1763DF8489725C0331DCB0F9FD;
Can't find any relevant info about this.
Does anyone have a sample piece of the javascript that we should be looking for?
Thanks, Rob