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About falcon

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  1. Well I want to say "thank you both.." is Windows 10 Pro. I found the problem and I fixed...Thanks The solution I found is: I decide to scan online ... went finish took about 1:30 hour, and the end ask me IF I want to install the version "Smart Securities" and type YES .. and continue with all information required, BOOMM install without any problems.. Don't ask me What?? so thats is the way I got it.. Thank you again I appreciated your answers .. All The Best !!! Sorry respond so late.. I was busy all week
  2. Good day everyone.. I try to install eset smart security to a client and got this error in the beginning I try every single step they recommend previously. Not working is a New Client to try to set him up... Any solutions will appreciated .. . Thank you
  3. Good Day everyone .... Thanks for the opportunity to be in the forum. I sue Vivaldi and Brave... How can I use to secure this sites when I go to my bank and other payment sites.. Thanks
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