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Everything posted by GloopyFlop

  1. Hi there, this is still a problem; I raised a subsequent issue but havent seen it approved yet. that gave more details. Today I reverted back to some very old code and this compiled ok. then as I started building on the code, I hit the same problem. Here's code snippet that causes the virus detection frm ESET (as it seems random, you dont need to understand the context, more note the next step of commenting out most of it): //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static bool readScheduleFile(string profileName, int portnum, ref string profileData) { var fd = FileIO.fullProfileDescriptor(profileName, portnum, FileIO.dontCreate); var sr = new StreamReader(fd); Schedule tmpSched = new Schedule(); reset(0); while (!sr.EndOfStream) { profileData = sr.ReadLine(); if (profileData == null) Console.WriteLine("Exception: Filename"); else { string[] result = profileData.Split('|'); Console.WriteLine(profileData); } } return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- and here I comment everything out of body and it builds ok //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static bool readScheduleFile(string profileName, int portnum, ref string profileData) { //var fd = FileIO.fullProfileDescriptor(profileName, portnum, FileIO.dontCreate); //var sr = new StreamReader(fd); //Schedule tmpSched = new Schedule(); //reset(0); //while (!sr.EndOfStream) //{ // profileData = sr.ReadLine(); // if (profileData == null) // Console.WriteLine("Exception: Filename"); // else // { // string[] result = profileData.Split('|'); // Console.WriteLine(profileData); // } //} //return false; } What happens is imediately after the build, ESET kicks in and deletes the .EXE before visual studio can run it. It is not only that code, tehre doesnt seem to be any pattern; by selectively commenting out code I get to buikld and run with no issue, then uncomment and I get the issue, any thoughts please?
  2. I've been developing an app in C# over a number of months with no problems and suddenly two weeks ago, every build has the created exe flagged and removed by ESET I have installed same config on another machine and all worked well, include the solution I built on main dev machine. Due to this, I was convinced my dev box was correupted/infected so I reset and fully rebuilt OS& Apps using another physical drive - still the same issue. It goes like this: load C# project in Visual Studio do a REBUILD immediately the build is complete, ESET jumps in with "Threat Removed, A threat (MSIL/GenKKryptik_AGen.MV) was found in a file that VBCSCompiler tried to access; the file has been deleted" [underline/italic are hyperlinked text] The associated log is: Time;Scanner;Object type;Object;Detection;Action;User;Information;Hash;First seen here 1/01/2023 3:10:44 pm;Real-time file system protection;file;C:\Users\MalSnaize\OneDrive - IT Stuff\Development\PLC-2022\V010\V010.022 - Copy\obj\Debug\PLC2022.exe;a variant of MSIL/GenKryptik_AGen.MV trojan;cleaned by deleting;AzureAD\MalSnaize;Event occurred on a new file created by the application: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Roslyn\VBCSCompiler.exe (770F307D32E33001E65210C257A8B16881ED8CE3).;B709F2748E1F15BE93D3754FE06D87BF04080E06;1/01/2023 2:54:20 pm can anyone help please? Thanks Mal
  3. Has this been resolved? my builds in Visual Studio 2022 has been working fine then suddenly today my exes get flagged by ESET. when I build, the exe file appears to be truncated to 0b and then I get the ESET flag and it deletes the EXE. not sure why it should just suddenly start doing this when I am working same source (versioned) anyone else getting this? Thanks
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