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About Rudolfs

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  1. Hello! How can i disable AutoRun on my company PC. What task i need to create? Disable all type of AutoRun.
  2. Employee told it was when pc turn on then on Black screen white letters with Enter command then goes to some scanning. I dont have any photos of that. Next time I suggest take photo of issue.
  3. Hello! How can I stop my client pc from startup scan. What task I need to make to disable that or I need disable that from GUI? Today employee told me it show remaining time 14 min. It is few second job or not?
  4. Problem solved. It was firewall who block incoming connection.
  5. Hello! In my eset protect local console dont show client pc agent. In attachment log from one of agent. What is my problem? From server pc can ping and from client pc also can ping.
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