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Everything posted by IggyAl

  1. Hello, I have problems with one client, because last version of ESET Endpoint Security isn't installing properly, and I don't know what it happened, but I don't have any ESET Endpoint Security installed right now. When I try to open an installer, I always get the same error (image attached). I have tested some things: reinstalling Agent & Security, but it doesn't work, even having deleted 'ESET' folders and keys of register (Agent is installed correctly). ESET Support told me to reinstall ESET in safe mode, but I don't have physical access to the PC, so it isn't a good solution for me. Regards, Iggy.
  2. Hello, how can I export this log? Screenshot attached.
  3. Hello, today I am receiving mails, telling me that "file:///C:/OEM/Factory/amifldrv64.sys" has been detected as a potentially insecure application and ESET has deleted it. Is it a false positive? I think that OEM folder is related about recovering system. Thanks, regards.
  4. Hello @Peter Randziak, I saw your link and I can read that for have "Connection between the Agent and ESET Protect Cloud" I need to allow the following domain: "*.a.ecaserver.eset.com", which is allowed now (you can see it in the image that I attached). It is related to the last updated of our Firewall, maybe I post my doubt in Sophos Community. Kind regards, Iggy.
  5. Hello, we have a problem with 2 computers: i see on ESET Protect Cloud "Last connection" a few weeks ago (they seem to be turned off), but they are working at the moment. It is happening since we updated our Firewall (Sophos XG) to a newer version. We have some rules, and one of them is related to avoid to some computers to have web access, but we have some exclusions (attachment included). If I go to 'Logs' folder and 'status.html' file I can see "Error: replication connection problem" (attachment included). Have we to include more networks in our Firewall? Thanks and regards.
  6. Hey there, I just noticed after updating ESET Management Agent that some computers are sending mails with that Subject: ESET Endpoint Security: Error, and the body of the mail is: (pic in attachment) It happens when my mates turn on their computers, just at that time. It exists some way to silenciate that kind of notifications? Maybe through ESET Protect Cloud? Thank you, Iggy.
  7. Hey, I've a doubt about uninstalling Windows 10 Apps through ESET Protect Cloud. I created a new task for one computer, and I choosed "Run a command" in the Configuration menu. Then, I wrote the following command: powershell -command "get-appxpackage *Microsoft.WindowsStore* | remove-appxpackage -allusers" For example, I want to remove Microsoft Store. This task doesn't work well because I continue seeing this app installed in the computer, why? permissions? If I execute this command line in Powershell (not as Administrator) I uninstall this app inmediately. Kind regards, Iggy.
  8. Hey Marcos, and another doubt: exists it a different way to show the message notification after updating the security product? I mean: when I install an update on a computer, I see: "Security Alert. Restar required." in a red popup from ESET, and I receive some calls from workmates that saw that and they think that they have a virus or something similar. Thanks!
  9. Hi MichalJ, I understand that when you release a particular version, in approximately two months (with auto-updates) the version will be installed on the computers, after a restart. My doubt is you release a security version after noticed a vulnerability or something relationated with security, this update won't be installed on the computers after two months? Kind regards, Iggy.
  10. Hi, I have just noticed that from January 2022 updates of ESET Endpoint Security products will be activated automatically, after 60 days of a notification appearence. I see that it will be a more comfortable method of updating, because we won't have to create some scheduled tasks and then restart the computers, but my question is: when you publish an update of ESET products (Security or Agent), in which moment this update will be executed on the computers? 60 days after the notification? Or inmediately after your publication? Best regards, Iggy.
  11. Hey Marcos, I only receive this error one time, via e-mail Notification (we have some Notifications enabled), and after rebooting it works all perfectly. Is there a way to avoid this notification?
  12. Hello, I have just seen that there is an update for ESET Endpoint Security products, and I am starting to upgrade the computers of my company. I have updated two computers and I am getting these errors (via e-mail Notification): "27/09/2021 16:11:30 - Durante la ejecución de Cortafuegos en el ordenador Server tuvo lugar el siguiente suceso: Se ha producido un error al iniciar el servidor Proxy. El análisis de los protocolos de aplicaciones (HTTP, POP3, IMAP) no funcionará. 27/09/2021 16:11:31 - Durante la ejecución de Cortafuegos en el ordenador Server tuvo lugar el siguiente suceso: Se produjo un error al iniciar los servicios del cortafuegos. El cortafuegos no funcionará. 27/09/2021 16:11:32 - Durante la ejecución de Cortafuegos en el ordenador Server tuvo lugar el siguiente suceso: Se produjo un error durante la instalación del controlador epfwwfp." (TRANSLATED) "09/27/2021 16:11:30 - During Firewall execution on the Server computer, the following event occurred: An error occurred when starting the Proxy server. The analysis of application protocols (HTTP, POP3, IMAP) will not work. 09/27/2021 4:11:31 PM - During Firewall execution on the Server computer the following event occurred: An error occurred when starting the firewall services. The firewall will not work. 09/27/2021 16:11:32 - During Firewall execution on the Server computer the following event occurred: An error occurred during the installation of the epfwwfp driver. " Is it normal? Have I to do something more? Thanks, Iggy.
  13. Hello, I manage the computers of my company via ESET Protect Cloud and I saw at Friday that both products that we use (ESET Endpoint Security & ESET Management Agent) were updated to 8.1.2031.0 and 8.1.1223.0, but I see in the fixed post that "ESET PROTECT has been released". Is it related to the ESET Management Agent version? Or is 8.1.1223.0 the last version of the Agent? Once I've all clear, I'll planify a scheduled task and I'll update the Security & Agent products in all of the computers. Thank you!
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