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Everything posted by dassy1234

  1. Of course - Microsoft Edge 38.14393.0.0, could be pretty outdated as I'm running the test from a completely virtual environment built from a Win10 template and Edge is the only browser installed on it..
  2. Chrome worked... Man i dont' know why this wasn't the first thing I tried! Thanks very much Martin, now I can go on to tackle the next hurdle!
  3. Hi Michelle, thank you for your ideas - yes all of SQL, ESET Apache are up and running and restarting them didn't quite help :-/ That's the main reason I'm puzzled; I would've thought using the virtual appliance means pretty much everything set up already, but looks like there's a lot more to it! Thank you Martin for stepping in too! I have checked my trace.log but interestingly I do not spot any error clauses in the log after my login failed.. I'm not using a domain and have tried different easy passwords for my 3 deployment attempts just in case by any chance I misremembered/mistyped, such as Password and 123456789, just for the purpose of testing.. Any further ideas..? Cheers
  4. Greetings, I have just set up and configured my ESET PROTECT server using the virtual appliance I downloaded. However, when I tried logging on to the web console, I keep getting the error 'Login failed' (with no further details that follow such as invalid username or password, communication error etc). I'm absolutely certain my password was entered correctly, and have redeployed the appliance three times and have consistent results across all. I feel like I might have missed some kind of configuration. There are no firewall between the machines and they're all sitting in an isolated VLAN. I can logon to the appliance management console fine with the same password (i.e. changed from eraadmin). Can somebody help me please :))
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