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About Laub

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  1. AFAIK this problem has been addressed yet: Any news on this? Rule table rapidly expands at the moment with new rules for every update of Windows apps, Onedrive, Office ClicktoRun, Google apps etc. and I fear performance will degrade over time.
  2. At the moment, when an app has been changed (updated/upgraded) for which a firewall rule exists, I get a confirmation dialogue in which I can select to keep the current rule(s) and apply it to the new app executable. Why not apply this exact behavior to wildcard-rules when the path and/or executable has been changed? This way the user retains the same amount of control over rules for updated apps and the rule table doesn't get cluttered with dozens of obsolete rules.
  3. As is already closed for replies, I hereby make a new topic with the same subject. I wholeheartedly agree that the need to create new rules each time an app has been upgraded is by far the biggest annoyance with Eset at the moment. As said, this has been an issue for several years now, wouldn't that be enough time to develop "long term" solutions?
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