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About txfz

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  1. Thank you, that works! Is there a way to determine the total number of companies? I've noticed that there is no way to determine from the results whether there exists more companies than the value of your provided take parameter.
  2. Hi, I'm trying to retrieve a list of all companies in our EMA. I managed to do it before, but I can't remember how. I tried the /api/Search/Companies endpoint with the following body: { "search": {}, "skip": 0, "take": 10 } but this gives me the following response: {"Error":{"Code":7,"SubCode":4,"Message":""}} for which the subcode is not defined in the documentation.
  3. Hi, As far as I can tell, there isn't actually any web API. You have to use their library. https://help.eset.com/protect_install/80/en-US/era_serverapi.html
  4. Hi, Currently exploring the API, but looking through the documentation (ESET Protect 8.0), I can't find any endpoints for listing existing items, such as groups, computers, tasks, etc. Am I overlooking something?
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