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Posts posted by plarue

  1. 21 minutes ago, Marcos said:

    You can set up the scheduled scan to ignore exclusions.


    My scheduled scan is currently not set to "Ignore exclusions". However, If I select this box, it's an all or nothing option. I have a lot of other exclusions that I'm good with not scanning and would probably create issues if they were scanned. I just need to ignore this new one.

    Perhaps the answer is to create a new scan, checkmark the "ignore exclusions" box, turn off "Scan all targets" and give this new scan a target of the specific folder that I have in mind?

  2. Thanks for the quick response. When I try to add an exclusion path like the example you gave it indicates an invalid path.  I'm doing this in "Process Exclusions". The documentation suggests that this is really designed for backup processes and that a specific process has to be chosen. Where you referring to the Performance or Detection exclusions? I know a folder's contents can be excluded there, but I thought both of them would also exclude from the scheduled scans.

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