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Joel DeTeves

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Posts posted by Joel DeTeves

  1. Hi there, I discovered that the problem was a setting on the target MySQL database, specifically log_bin_trust_function_creators=1

    It turns out our cloud provider does not allow us to enable that on their managed database.

    So I went with a small MySQL 8 install on a VPS instead, and enabled that setting.

    From there I was able to migrate off of MariaDB and perform the upgrade to version 9 without issue, and I don’t get any more errors.


    Thank you,

  2. Hello,

    I am trying to migrate my database from MariaDB 10.3 to MySQL 8.0 in order to support upgrade to the new ESMC / ESET PROTECT v9 which no longer supports MariaDB.

    I was able to import the database into MySQL following these instructions however now I am getting "Internal Report Error" on almost every screen (see attached screenshots).

    I also tried upgrading both the console & the server components to v9 to see if it would fix the issue however it produces the same error.

    Here's an output of the error logs from the console:

    01-Apr-2022 20:55:08.666 SEVERE [pool-1-thread-11] sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.logger.LogItem.logInto [joel] Call  failed on server. Reason: 'Internal report error'
    01-Apr-2022 20:55:08.666 WARNING [pool-1-thread-11] sk.eset.era.g3webserver.graphql.executionstrategy.GqlExecutionStrategyProvider$GqlExceptionHandler.toError EraRequestHandlingException: sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.connection.rpc.RpcException: Internal report error
            sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.common.model.exceptions.EraRequestHandlingException: Internal report error
                    at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.ServerModuleHelper.onRpcExceptionNoPending(ServerModuleHelper.java:159)
                    at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.ServerModuleHelper.onRpcException(ServerModuleHelper.java:149)
                    at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.ServerModuleHelper.doRequestAllowPending(ServerModuleHelper.java:243)
                    at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.reports.ReportsModuleImpl.generateReportInternal(ReportsModuleImpl.java:164)
                    at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.reports.ReportsModuleImpl.generateReport(ReportsModuleImpl.java:96)
                    at sk.eset.era.g3webserver.reports.ReportGenerator.generate(ReportGenerator.java:50)
                    at sk.eset.era.g3webserver.reports.GqlWrapperReportResolver.resolve(GqlWrapperReportResolver.java:53)
                    at sk.eset.era.g3webserver.reports.GqlWrapperReportResolver.resolve(GqlWrapperReportResolver.java:43)
                    at sk.eset.era.g3webserver.reports.GqlWrapperReportResolver.resolve(GqlWrapperReportResolver.java:27)
                    at sk.eset.era.g3webserver.graphql.GqlApiQuery$1.lambda$resolve$0(GqlApiQuery.java:116)
                    at sk.eset.era.g3webserver.graphql.QueryContext.lambda$executeAsync$0(QueryContext.java:77)
                    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncSupply.run(CompletableFuture.java:1764)
                    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1130)
                    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:630)
                    at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:831)
            Caused by: sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.connection.rpc.RpcException: Internal report error
                    at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.connection.rpc.RpcCallRequest.untypedSendTo(RpcCallRequest.java:117)
                    at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.connection.rpc.reports.GenerateReportRequest.sendTo(GenerateReportRequest.java:98)
                    at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.connection.rpc.reports.GenerateReportRequest.sendTo(GenerateReportRequest.java:36)
                    at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.rpcCalls.RpcCallsProdModule.send(RpcCallsProdModule.java:26)
                    at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.ServerModuleHelper.doRequestAllowPending(ServerModuleHelper.java:235)


    This has been driving me nuts for 2 days - I would appreciate any support you can provide.


    Thank you,




  3. I managed to resolve this problem.

    We use a custom Docker images running on a Kubernetes cluster with Traefik ingress controllers (one for the web server and the other one for the server backend component) - it turns out the problem was with Traefik and I needed to use a TCP router for the server component instead of an http one, see https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/routing/providers/kubernetes-crd/#kind-ingressroutetcp

    http router -> web component

    tcp router -> server component

    Hope this helps,

  4. Hello,

    No matter what it seems I cannot get any of my agents to connect to my ESET Security Management Center server - each time I try to install the agent it results in a connection error in the status log:



    I have tried generating certificates from the wizard over and over, and no matter which combination of strings I use, it always results in "Certificate common name contains ambiguous or no product string"

    As you can see from the screenshot, the Common Name contains the Agent string (and each time I have tried I have generated the cert using the wizard in ESMC) - I am at a loss as to why it isn't working.

    Hoping someone can shed some light on this issue

    Thank you,

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