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About hth

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  1. Also where do I find these suggested indicators from your diagram? Thank you Regards HTH
  2. Thank you for the reply. Please bare with me, I am behind on a ot of things. I have made the requested video and I will follow up with your other request when time allows Regards HTH
  3. Thank you for your reply. I have checked this setting and it is as you have laid out above. Regards HTH
  4. Thank you all for your input on this, please I will follow up on each of your thoughts over the weekend and get back to you. Thank you for your time HTH
  5. Thank you for your reply. The orange and red indicators you inquired about are indicative of not being connected to the internet when I took the screen capture. The red indicator is update and the orange indicator is action needed. Both are sorted when a connection to the net is made.
  6. Thank you for your reply. Not wishing to get into any sort of arguments here as you are bound to know better than I am on the functionality of Eset. However as I have said in my reply to peteyt, depending on just how Eset actually runs the screenshots would indicate I am running 2 firewalls simultaneously which as i understand things is counter productive. Does Eset have its own firewall and protocols or does it somehow use Windows Defender Firewall in the management of internet traffic? Also I apologize if I was not clear about "sluggish". When I click it on Eset Internet Security, the program briefly delays before starting. Clicking on 'scan computer' brings about another delay of anything up to 90 plus seconds with the actually UI becoming black or in some cases translucent accompanied by the mouse cursor becoming a round looping icon. Then the scan starts. I can make a video if required
  7. Thank you for your input. The point of the two screenshots is that they both indicate that a firewall is on but the question remains, how many firewalls? If Eset has its own firewall (and by extension, it's own firewall protocols) and does not in anyway use the Windows Defender firewall then the screenshots would indicate I am currently running two firewalls. If that is the case, it is not a wonder that Eset is slow. If on the other hand Eset does use Windows Defender Firewall then maybe i have to look somewhere else for what is slowing down the reaction times of my Eset
  8. Greetings team, I apologize in advance if this subject has already been proched and or is basically obviously. Recent I updated one's Est Esecurity to 14.0.21 and noticed almost immediately that it became sluggish across the board, slow to load, slow to initiate running and just slow to respond. Thinking that it could be one of those instants where persistently upgrading a program (rather than a complete new install), does cause the program to malfunction. So I uninstalled it and did a complete reinstall of 14.0.21. Eset ran fine for a short time and then upgraded to 14.0.22. This also ran fine for a short time but following a windows update, Eset is running sluggish across the board again. Just by chance I tripped over a post suggesting checking the Windows Defender settings against the Eset settings To wit, refer to the attached. My question is this, if I am these screenshots correctly are both Eset Security and Windows Defender are on at the same time and shouldn't the Windows Defender be totally disabled for Eset to function properly? Thank you in advance HTH
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