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  1. I support clients. One recently got hit with a ransomware. The Windows Defender got disabled and it spread its love all over the place making Jack a mad boy. Of course turning it back on it did find the exploit "Ransom:Win32/Ako!MSR" (apparently a relatively new one), which it did remove the bad executable, but of course cannot decrypt the encrypted. Servers are WIN2008 to WINServer 2016, SQL standard on a few of them. AD on some also. Some File services and also Office 365 / OneDrive synced, and Sharepoint online and synced. So checking on various products as an alternative, I saw some tests on ESET VS Ransomware. And saw comments by Mario, and admin here. So I need some recommendations on a bulletproof solution that can protect our servers and all endpoints, WIN10 computers, MACs, IOS and Android. ESET makes a variety of products, Im unfamiliar with them all. I need to know, and rather quickly a no B.S. solution I can rely on. Can you please recommend a product set or who can I call to setup business level solution that can grow with the company. Licensing etc? I have heard great things about ESET over the years. Everyone says they are the best, but so far I have very little negative about ESET, still I don't want geeky opinions, I need real enterprise level protection, period. We pay for great, and expect greatest. I am not one that wants to risk my clients solutions with guessing. I can then take this to all my clients as we move forward, as long as it won't hose me unexpectedly one mornign when Im trying to sleep in with panicking phone calls (you know what I mean? I need it to protect from new ransomware or other exploits, malware. I am open for your recommendation or direction. Thank you kindly.
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