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Everything posted by Benny

  1. The problem is solved. Firewall rule ==> UPNP service has acces in trusted zone. Thanks.
  2. <COLUMN NAME="Regel-/wormnaam">Inkomende ICSLAP-verzoeken (UPNP) voor systeem blokkeren</COLUMN>
  3. I'd like to access my desktop pc with my tablet using Bubble UPNP (DLNA) so i can play music on my tablet that is stored in my desktop pc. The problem I have is that firewall is preventing this incoming connection, if I disable firewall there is no problem and I'm able to access my desktop pc. With firewall activated I get no acces en no info. This dit not work for me. hxxp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130331170433AAOmcGC How can i resolved this problem ? Thanks in advance!
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