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About gpit

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  1. Hello, I have the same problem as Awais mentioned and this is what i discovered so far (I installer ERAS today and tried to push install): 1. When I run "Diagnostics of Windows Push Installations" the task results in state "finished" with only one error in log "Remote Registry Opening (ESET Security Product Info): Result Code: 2 (The system cannot find the file specified.) " 2. When I run "Windows Push Installations" the task hangs on "In progress" 3. On client computer in Event Viewer, every time I run the task "WPI" there is an error "The ESET Remote Installation Service service is marked as an interactive service. However, the system is configured to not allow interactive services. This service may not function properly." 4. I started the interactive service and ran the task again but I had the same result. My guess is that the error is related to installer package not being able to run in quiet mode. I also tried to edit the configuration for install packages but there is no option to set an unattended installation or at least I don't know how can I set it up. I'm running out of ideas and I need to install 145 clients first thing next week because old AV expired. Please advise how can I solve this "push issues". Regards,
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