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About bruno67

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  1. I restored my server and now I have this error after upgrading the server and the console Error: Service [Thread 7efccd647b80]: Service run-time failed with: [MySQL][ODBC 8.0(a) Driver][mysqld-8.0.33]PROCEDURE eset_db.usp_stored_installers_load_all_valid does not exist (1305)
  2. I tried this : set global log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1; but still have the problem
  3. I have this error in /var/log/eset/RemoteAdministrator/EraServerInstaller.log: Error: Statement execution failed. Code: 1419. Error: [MySQL][ODBC 8.0(a) Driver][mysqld-8.0.31]You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable). File: /tmp/tmp.ao5dsey00t/setup/Database/MySQL/UpgradeScripts/ 10113_10114.sql. Statement: CREATE FUNCTION `ufn_uuid_str_to_binary`(`_uuid` CHAR(36)) RETURNS binary(16) NO SQL DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER BEGIN RETURN UNHEX(REPLACE(_uuid, '-', '')); END; 2024-03-18 13:27:46 Error: DbUpgrade: Statement execution failed. Code: 1419. Error: [MySQL][ODBC 8.0(a) Driver][mysqld-8.0.31]You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable). File: /tmp/tmp.ao5dsey00t/setup/Database/MySQL/Upgr adeScripts/10113_10114.sql. Statement: CREATE FUNCTION `ufn_uuid_str_to_binary`(`_uuid` CHAR(36)) RETURNS binary(16) NO SQL DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER BEGIN RETURN UNHEX(REPLACE(_uuid, '-', '')); END; 2024-03-18 13:27:46 Information: Installer: Failed upgrading database. 2024-03-18 13:27:46 Information: Installer: Error: : Error occurred while upgrading database
  4. Hello , I have an ESET PROTECT SERVER with this configuration: ESET PROTECT (Server), Version 10.0 (10.0.2133.0) ESET PROTECT (Console Web), Version 10.0 ( Ubuntu (64-bit), version 18.04 Version de la base de données : MySQL 8.0.31 Taille de la base de données : 221Mo Server version: Apache Tomcat/9.0.62 Server built: Mar 31 2022 14:34:15 UTC Server number: OS Name: Linux OS Version: 4.15.0-213-generic Architecture: amd64 JVM Version: 17.0.7+7-Ubuntu-0ubuntu118.04 JVM Vendor: Private Build I have a message inviting me to update my server. After the update when I want to log on I have this message: loginConnectionStateNotConnected Here are the status of the different services: service eraserver status ● eraserver.service - ESET PROTECT Server Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/eraserver.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2024-03-18 13:45:02 CET; 10s ago Process: 31900 ExecStart=/opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/ERAServer --daemon --pidfile /var/run/eraserver.pid (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 31911 (code=exited, status=70) service mysql status ● mysql.service - MySQL Community Server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mysql.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Thu 2024-03-14 14:26:53 CET; 3 days ago Docs: man:mysqld(8) hxxp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/en/using-systemd.html Main PID: 1791 (mysqld) Status: "Server is operational" Tasks: 47 (limit: 4653) CGroup: /system.slice/mysql.service └─1791 /usr/sbin/mysqld service tomcat9 status ● tomcat9.service - Apache Tomcat 9 Web Application Server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/tomcat9.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Thu 2024-03-14 14:26:40 CET; 3 days ago Docs: https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/index.html Main PID: 1720 (java) Tasks: 45 (limit: 4653) CGroup: /system.slice/tomcat9.service └─1720 /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/logging.properties -Djava.util.logging.manager= It seems that Eraserver doesn't want to work Do you have an idea ? thanks Bruno
  5. here is the solution SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1;
  6. Hello, as usual each time there is an update the webconcsole doesn't work. I have : server:9.1.2301.0 console web on ubunu x64 1804 Mysql 8.0.31 Java version open jdk 17.0.5 Tomcat 9.0.62 I launched the update this mornig and now when I want to log on the console I have this message: Échec de la connexion : la connexion a échoué avec l'état « loginConnectionStateNotConnected » service mysql -->active running service tomcat9 -->active running service eraserver status -->failed Here is the EraServerInstaller.log: 2023-01-02 10:52:10 Information: UpgradeDatabase: Processing file /tmp/tmp.XqWxl3XWKd/setup/Database/MySQL/CreateScripts/2_create_schema_utils.p.sql 2023-01-02 10:52:10 Information: Leaving function: void Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseWrapper::UpgradeDatabase(const string&, const string&, const string&, const string &) 2023-01-02 10:52:10 Error: Statement execution failed. Code: 1419. Error: [MySQL][ODBC 8.0(a) Driver][mysqld-8.0.31]You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable). File: /tmp/tmp.XqWxl3XWKd/setup/Database/MySQL/CreateScripts/2_create_schema_utils.p.sql. Statement: -- Dumping structure for function ufn_uuid_str_to_binary CREATE FUNCTION `ufn_uuid_str_to_binary`(`_uuid` CHAR(36)) RETURNS binary(16) NO SQL DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER BEGIN RETURN UNHEX(REPLACE(_uuid, '-', '')); END; 2023-01-02 10:52:10 Error: DbUpgrade: Statement execution failed. Code: 1419. Error: [MySQL][ODBC 8.0(a) Driver][mysqld-8.0.31]You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable). File: /tmp/tmp.XqWxl3XWKd/setup/Database/MySQL/CreateScripts/2_create_schema_utils.p.sql. Statement: -- Dumping structure for function ufn_uuid_str_to_binary CREATE FUNCTION `ufn_uuid_str_to_binary`(`_uuid` CHAR(36)) RETURNS binary(16) NO SQL DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER BEGIN RETURN UNHEX(REPLACE(_uuid, '-', '')); END; 2023-01-02 10:52:10 Information: Installer: Failed upgrading database. 2023-01-02 10:52:10 Information: Installer: Error: : Error occurred while upgrading database Someone can help me ? Thanks
  7. I found the solution , 1/verify if you have the good version of mysql odbc connector (for me myodbc-installer -d -l) MySQL ODBC 8.0 then open your odbc.ini and check [MySQL ODBC 8.0] Driver=/usr/local/lib/libmyodbc8a.so Setup=/usr/local/lib:libmyodbc8S.so FileUsage=1 UsageCount=3
  8. Hello, I confirm ,I have the same issue on my ubuntu 1804. I contacted the eset support , but they answered me that they were not competent under linux
  9. I succeeded , now I try to backup the database
  10. Hello, When I want to download the server , I have these informations: server-linux-x86_64.sh | File size: 88 MB | Version: 7.2.2233.0 and Filename: era.war | File size: 140 MB | Version: I created a client task (security Management center component upgrade ) on my server with a trigger ASAP , but I still have the same version 7.0.471.0. The task is planned but doesn't start and I can't launch it manually (exection is greyed)
  11. Hello, I have an ESMC server under linux (ESET Security Management Center (Server), version 7.0 (7.0.471.0), and I see that the last server available is 7.2.2233.0 I don't have the button to update . Can you help me? Thanks
  12. just a question I have this error: CMysqlCodeTokenExecutor: CheckVariableInnodbLogFileSize: Server variables innodb_log_file_size*innodb_log_files_in_group value 100663296 is too low I have: | innodb_log_file_size | 50331648 | | innodb_log_files_in_group | 2 | and my server have 2GB of RAM Can you say me what I have to change to remove the error thanks
  13. I remove '-' in Mysql-Server and the error is not the same , I think you found my error thanks
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