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maneet kaur

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Posts posted by maneet kaur

  1. Hi, when creating a new task for deployment of eset, is it necessary to create only one task for all computers?

    I created two tasks to install ESET antivirus separately for laptops and surface users, will it consume extra licenses? because when I see the license window on dashboard the total number used is 263 and we have 250 licenses, how can that be managed since we have only about 200 users and not all of them have installed it yet


  2. Hi, I upgraded the users to newer version of eset but they are getting firewall notification that "windows firewall and eset firwall are both turned off" where as eset firwall is ON when I checked the ESMC , also the eset version has two versions as follows, what is the difference between the anti-virus and security? I created the task for eset anti-virus to be run on the user computers.



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