Buenas tardes.
He detectado un virus que se propago por toda mi red LAN este virus se llama Agent.exe y esta en todos lo computadores de la empresa,
he tratado de eliminarlo manualmente eliminando la carpeta raiz de este pero vuelve y aparece la única solución que encontré fue instalar el Malwarebytes y colocarlo a escanear este si lo detecta y lo acaba pero al quitar o parar el malwarebytes este virus vuelve.
quisiera saber como se puede reportar estos a los señores de ESET para que me ayudes a eliminar este virus.
Machine translation: I have detected a virus that spread throughout my LAN network this virus is called Agent.exe and is on all computers of the company, I tried to delete it manually by removing the root folder from this but it comes back and the only solution I found was to install the Malwarebytes and place it to scan if it detects and it finishes but when removing or stopping the malwarebytes this virus comes back. I would like to know how you can report these to the gentlemen of ESET so that you can help me eliminate this virus.