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B van der Woude

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About B van der Woude

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  1. Hello . when upgrading our Eset Security management center with the all in one installer the installer begins with upgrading SQL and shows error : SQLEXPR_2014_x64_ENU.exe Code: -2068578302(0x84b0002) our sql is up to date with latest updates. still the all in one installer tries to upgrade sql. logfile shows : 06/15/2020 12:08:23.035 Attempting to run user requested action from media ScenarioEngine.exe 06/15/2020 12:08:23.035 Attempting to launch process C:\temp\12-6\SQLEXPR_2014_x64_ENU\x64\ScenarioEngine.exe 06/15/2020 12:08:36.096 Process returned exit code: 0x84B40002 06/15/2020 12:08:36.112 Media ScenarioEngine.exe returned exit code: 0x84B40002
  2. Thank you for youre answer, i need the ESMCageninstaller on some clients. I resolved this by adding a new firewal rule in the Eset anti-ransomware policy allow c:\windows\system32\wscript.exe to the Eset ip numbers (repository)
  3. When upgrading to Eset v7 the Agent installer ESMCAgentinstaller.bat is blocked by our Eset ransomware policy . It blocks the wscript.exe from executing. How can we adjust the Eset ransomware policy so it only allows the ESMCageninstaller to install the latest Eset agent version. Thanks in advance,
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