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Dean Lazar

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About Dean Lazar

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  1. For example I want just to do copy-paste from selection - but now I can't do even this simple task.
  2. Ok, but how ? Under action drop down menu I don't see any option for export.
  3. Is it possible to do detailed export of all (custom) rules for Eset Mail Security for Exchange 6.5 (in "human readable" format) ? I don't find any options on RA or agent. Also, if I put my question more generic - is it posssible to make export (with all defined settings) of any defined policy in RA ?
  4. Hello, We have ESET Mail Security v. 6.5.10019.0 and Exchange Server 2013 and I have a question. We created some rules for the mail-transport-protection - to block mail with unallowed attachment types. I have a queistion regarding - Action part - "Format od event messages". Now I have this: Rule "%RuleName%" applied. Sender: %Sender% Recipient: %Recipients% Subject: %Subject% But I want to add also attatchment name in message (to be able to analyze what type of attachments are blocked but also to find out what attachmnet types are going through aur mail system ) If I add another line like this Attachment: %Attachment% But I don't get attachment name in event or mail message. I get something like this: 18.7.2018 7:51:35 - During execution of Mail server protection on the computer MAIL01, the following event occurred: Rule "Nedovoljene priponke ISB" applied. Sender: xxx@yyy.si Recipient: izzz@intesasanpaolobank.si Subject: Seminar Izpodbijanje dolznikovih pravnih dejanj in tozbe zoper dolznike Attachment: %ATTACHMENT% So, I can see that recognizes variables are for sure "%RuleName%, %Sender%, %Recipients%, %Subject% . What about other supported variables ? For now I need only attachment name or even better - attachment type. Regards, Dean Lazar Intesa SanPaolo Bank Slovenia
  5. Hello, We have ESET Mail Security v. 6.5.10019.0 and Exchange Server 2013 and I have a question. We created some rules for the mail-transport-protection - to block sender domain and server email addresses. But we would like also to use wilcards. Example: mobile*@aol.com We don't want to block entire domain aol.com, and also blocking individually some addresses (mobile_xxx@aol.com,mobile_yyy@aol.com, etc ) is not ok (not enought). I tried to enter wilcard in email address (mobile*@aol.com) under rule with condition "Sender is/is one of" but is not working. Regards, Dean Lazar Intesa SanPaolo Bank Slovenia
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