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About sundark87

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  1. Hello, We have ESET 6.5 version in our organization and deploying daily updates from server. From end user machine, Is there a way I can make sure current definition update version (VSD) other than the client console. Generally I'm looking for some dll or some other file in client machine may get updated with newer version number everyday, so i can track the file using SCCM for Reports. Regards, Suki
  2. Dear All, I'm new to ESET tools, I'm started using the ESET Anti Virus just couple of days back. I have assigned a task to create SCCM package for ERA agent to distribute across the Organization. I'm following the article, https://support.eset.com/kb3675/ During the Step 8: Click Admin → Certificates → Peer Certificates, locate the Agent certificate for the ERA Agents you will be distributing, click it and select Export as Base64. Save the exported file to your Desktop. I'm getting an error Failed to export certificate for both Peer and Certificate authority. Kindly help.
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