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Posts posted by Dontlikeit

  1. Even you've disable SSL/TLS on ESET, the warning is still appear..

    There's a way to disable this completely.

    1. through your browser, if you using firefox, go to about:config > change "security.enterprise_roots.enabled" value to : true (default : false)

    2. Delete your ESET Root Certificate: [windows+r] or run >  type mmc.exe > on [File tab] > click [add/remove snap in] > new window will open > find [certificate] > then click [add > ] new window will open, click [finish] > then will return to previous window, click [ok]

    Under certificate - current user, you will find a couple folder, such as "Trusted root certification authorities" and "Third-party root certification authorities" you will find a "certificates" folder inside both of them, click it. if you see "ESET" just delete it.


    Before you restart, try to browsing like normally, if the warning is still appear, then restart your PC, as my recall it doesn't need to restart your PC.


  2. 8 minutes ago, Marcos said:

    Please continue as follows:

    - download ESET Live Installer from ESET's download page
    - uninstall existing version and reboot the computer
    - launch ESET Live Installer and install the latest v11
    - do not change any settings, only select your network as trusted when detected.

    Let us know if the problem still persist. In such case, enable advanced firewall logging in the advanced setup -> tools -> diagnostics and reboot the computer. Next disable logging and collect logs with ELC. Finally upload the generated zip file to a safe location and pm me the download link.

    I found the problem. seems cause this "- do not change any settings, only select your network as trusted when detected."

    I change my network from "public" to "home and office"

    On ESS v8, Even I chose my own network as "public" I still can browse the internet without disabling them.. Why on ESS v9 can't?

  3. I just update my ESS v8 to v9. doesn't happy at all, to be honest the UI are sucks, very confusing and memory usage also high.

    Since I update, I can't browse my internet without disabling "eset firewall". for the record, on v8 I setup my firewall to "interactive-mode" So I can look more detail what the url that browser/apps might want to communicate with. but, can't browse at all on v9 without disable them. How to fix this? I wan't this "interactive-mode" enable again on my ESS v9.



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