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Manly Electronics

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Everything posted by Manly Electronics

  1. The English word, although not that emotionally charged, is ‘counterproductive’. Imho the better one is is ‘Chalta hai’, a Hindi expression that roughly translates to "it's okay" or "slide" or "slack". It reflects a laid-back attitude towards work and perhaps life itself, when problems are ignored or not sufficiently addressed .
  2. Yes, Licensing is another issue. I used to be a reseller but cheap OEM deals were removed and prices jacked. Sure it created a revenue stream from end users in a short run. But that collapsed promoting and supporting cycles a year - two long.. Imho it now bounced in the product quality now.
  3. Betta is like an Airplane prototype. But can security software do the same? Why not? It is ok to roll out beta OS, medications, countries, ecosystems and world orders even before a GUI is developed. It is just the matter of enthusiastic or unaware test pilots.. =
  4. I can see predefined icons in the dark mode. So program icons are something else.
  5. Good to know. But how to tell which one predefined which one not ? A column 'pre-defined' has not appeared. And while I am here. What those programms icons on some rules, and some not ? Both rules are for programms.
  6. There is more.. Choosing ‘Edit rule before creating’ allows Any for this program ignoring ports and previous rules of higher priority. Choosing ‘Create rule and remember permanently’ and Alow, give access to the entire application ignoring ports and destinations. Choosing ‘Create rule and remember permanently’ and Deny entire application blocked, ignoring previous Allow rules of hire priority. The only intentional such deceptive app behaviour can be if that was a stub, a placeholder code used in MVPs for presentation before beta.. !
  7. Since Interactive Firewall mode prompt does not pass Remote computer and Remote port values to the rule creating window. The only option left is to allow Any for this program. That defeats the purpose of the interactive firewall. Plus, accessing rules requires more clicks. And 16.2 rules table missing ports and protocols columns. ver 16.1 ver 16.2
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