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Posts posted by slansing

  1. Seems like this would be a good place for a feature request, but a central thread for this would be better, easier for ESET to track.


    I am looking at the client task details.  Show succeeded or failed, and I get a list of computers, but a very disappointing lack of information about them.  At the very least I would like to see a date/time field so I can send out a batch of tasks and easily determine what happened.  The interface is extraordinarily click-heavy, the main lists lack some simple info.  Having to click Details and then select another link to see what the problem is for any given computer, for example seems onerous to me.  Why doesn't the list of computers just indicate the current status, most recent error/update/status, something to tell me what is going on without drilling one by one into the list?


    I suspect there are reports or other views somewhere that will let me do this but I personally would vote for an interface with many fewer moving parts.  Adding the date/time to the list of client and server task executions would be a good example of a simple thing that would save me a lot of clicking back and forth.

  2. Complaints about this Remove Administrator console are apparently not approved.  Great.  One of the clunkiest, most unintuitive and oddly difficult to use consoles, and you won't respond to feedback.  Honestly, it's MADDENING to try to use it, to try to figure out where you stand with your deployments, to have to click twice to open pop-ups to see what errors are happening with a computer, the endless waiting.  It's really awful, my nomination for worst designed interface in history.  I'm not kidding, I'm not just trying to be funny or cranky...it's absolutely HORRIBLE to use.  So far my comments apparently do not pass muster so I will obviously not plan on getting any feedback from ESET.


    I will, however, plan on replacing this rubbish with Sophos or Symantec next year when the licensing comes due.  I'm extremely disappointed and frustrated with the product but the fact that I cannot come on here and complain about it because I get censored is deplorable, completely unacceptable.  I WANT TO KNOW WHAT KINDS OF DIFFICULTIES MY PEERS ARE HAVING, not read a bunch of sanitized discussions about how it's "different".  It's not "different", it's horrible, absolutely horrible.

  3. Server task = install the agent.  Client task = remove existing AV and install AV...  this distinction seems arbitrary to me.  Tracking progress of tasks is awful, among the worst interfaces I've ever seen, and on top of that, it's DIFFERENT for client vs server tasks.  That is absolutely senseless.  I want to view details, I can choose to view failed, in progress, or completed...but I can't see all of them and sort the results.  On some of the screens, sort by date/time and things will shuffle around on your screen, but the resulting order is arbitrary.  I can click on the icons on the left of the screen, and see the menu...or not click on it, and see a different menu when hovering.


    I saw a similar lack of intuitiveness in earlier ESET products, but this takes it to a new level.  Really very hard to maintain visibility and accurately manage computers.  I am honestly baffled at the horrible execution of the console.  I literally do not even see how it is possible that something so convoluted, disjointed, dysfunctional, and utterly frustrating could survive in the marketplace.  I'm utterly baffled.  I've used ESET before, and I've used other products.  This is a slam dunk first ballot nominee for worst interface I've used this year.  Please end the chaos or whatever is going on inside ESET and get this mess fixed.  The AV is awesome, as always, but if I cannot be clear, be sure about the status of my clients, I'm vulnerable.  And that defeats the entire purpose of this software.  The management console is NOT an afterthought!  It's as important as the AV software itself.

  4. I am never actually certain if I am seeing the current status of a task, because the list won't even sort by time accurately.  I have hundreds of computers to manage; how is this even remotely acceptable?  Who designed this interface?  Client task vs Server tasks...why the distinction?  Arbitrary, annoying, incredibly hard to follow, click click click click click click STOP IT!!!  An antivirus program that performs so well, and I have this all-time horror show of an interface.  I'm not complaining that tasks don't always go through, etc.  That's always a pain when deploying AV.  But the console....god, man, seriously.  How could you look at this interface and think, "Yeah, this is how this should work!"?  Get a copy of the Sophos software and LOOK AT IT.  Use it for an hour or two so you can get a feel for how an interface is actually supposed to work.  And hit everybody with any authority over this design process over the head with it.  Or just fire them and put some human beings in charge.


    Fortunately I've worked through things like this before, and the software is excellent, so I'll make it work.  But I have not a lot of patience for interfaces designed by either blowhards who insist on over-thinking everything, or geek types who will never understand that simple is elegant and good.

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