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Posts posted by jlpeifer

  1. BUMP!!!


    I just spent several hours beating my head against a wall trying to figure out why a client's Outllok Rules weren't working.  Fortunately I decided to Google "eset outlook rules" and stumbled upon this post.


    JDG... Thanks for pointing out this flaw in ESET!  After disabling the ESET Add-In within Outlook my client's Rules started working again.


    Has there been a fix issued?

  2. Is the FBI MoneyPak malware something that ESS guards against?  I have a client whose Win7 laptop is running ESET Smart Security v5.  Despite having a fully license, fully updated version of ESS his computer gets infected with this particular malware about once every 2 months.


    (I'm in the awkware position of having to defend ESS's performance after I strongly recommended the product to guard his computer against infections)

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