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Posts posted by FHolzer

  1. most of you errors are missing "common linux knowledge".
    Im not tryin to be offense - but you should probably get more linux skills before installing software like this.

    i dont see anything related to ESET.
    Also keep in mind that there so MANY Linux distros with different Package Versions.

    The Documentation is good - but you should know what you are doing and dont copy paste all commands without thinking.
    As example -> if you dont know where your my.cnf is located - you are missing common mysql/mariadb knowledge.
    If you dont know how to search for a file on linux -> you are missing common knowledge.

    your last error seems also mysql Related.
    it could be a DNS Problem, wrong creds. or a missconfigured mysql-daemon.

    also you are using the password "password" in your installer.
    This cant be right ....

  2. OS: Centos 8 | 4.18.0-193.28.1.el8_2.x86_64
    ESET ver: /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_daemon (esets) 4.5.16
    Selinux: disabled

    agent_enabled = yes
    listen_addr = ""
    listen_port = 3377
    username = "esetlogin"
    password = "test1234"

    when i restart the esets process i get the following error:

     esets_daemon[3458]: error[0d820000]: Child process wwwi[3460] terminated with return code 127, won't be restarte


    cant anything related to error code 127.
    What i`m missing?
    Generally Exit Code 127 means something like "command is not found"

    It worked on several centos7 machines without a problem.
    First Centos8 machine.

  3. Hi,

    i set up a whitelist via user_specific_configuration (user_config = "esets_smtp_spec.cfg")

    The `esets_smtp_spec.cfg` looks like this

    action_av = "reject" 
    action_av = "accept"
    action_as = "accept"
    parent_id = "white-list"


    is there a wildcard way for whitelisting the whole domain?
    Will Something like this work? :

    parent_id = "white-list"

    also - the help page is referring to "For esets_smtp, refer to the esets_smtp(1) man page."
    Where can i find this man page online?


  4. wow - what an fast response. TY
    unfortunately i dont have an 

    [root@srvmail01 sbin]# cd /var/opt/eset/esets/lib/
    [root@srvmail01 lib]# ll
    total 103720
    drwxr-xr-x 3 esets esets     4096 14. Apr 2016  data
    -rw-r--r-- 1 esets esets   172409 30. Sep 13:30 em000_32.dat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 esets esets  1100402 23. Okt 14:57 em001_32.dat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 esets esets 70579835 24. Okt 17:42 em002_32.dat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 esets esets  1479292 10. Okt 14:43 em003_32.dat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 esets esets  2391100  8. Okt 12:40 em004_32.dat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 esets esets   323143 24. Sep 12:22 em005_32.dat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 esets esets   106325 29. Jul 13:18 em006_32.dat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 esets esets    38604 14. Apr 2016  em013_32.dat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 esets esets  1635443 24. Okt 17:42 em021_32.dat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 esets esets   320545 16. Sep 14:12 em022_32.dat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 esets esets 13410472 24. Okt 17:42 em023_32.dat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 esets esets   148141 14. Sep 2017  em034_32.dat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 esets esets  5613785 24. Okt 17:44 em049_32.dat


    isnt it the "em021_32.dat" ?
    or do you mean the "em001_32.dat" ?
    im not sure.

    yes its was the ""em001_32.dat" 

    [root@srvmail01 sbin]# ./esets_update --verbose
    Virus signature database has been updated successfully.                        
    ESETS Update utility
    | | Module             | Available version      | Installed version      |
    |*| loader             |      1074.1 (20190925) |                        |
    |*| perseus            |        1555 (20190911) |                        |
    |*| engine             |       20235 (20191024) |                        |
    |*| archiver           |        1293 (20191004) |                        |
    |*| heuristic          |        1194 (20190918) |                        |
    |*| cleaner            |        1200 (20190916) |                        |
    | |                    |                        |                        |
    | |                    |                        |                        |
    | |                    |                        |                      d |
    |*| horus              |        7833 (20191016) |                        |
    |*| dblite             |        1110 (20190827) |                        |
    [root@srvmail01 sbin]# 


    will observe it for now.
    Thank you again Marcos!

  5. It looks like the Problem is back since October 29, 2018


    status=deferred (connect to[]:2526: Connection refused)

    Mail Security Version: 



    [root@srvmail01 ~]# cd /opt/eset/esets/sbin/
    [root@srvmail01 sbin]# ./esets_update --verbose
    Update is not necessary - the installed virus signature database is current.   
    ESETS Update utility
    | | Module             | Available version      | Installed version      |
    | | loader             |      1074.1 (20190925) |      1074.1 (20190925) |
    | | perseus            |      1556.1 (20191023) |      1556.1 (20191023) |
    | | engine             |       20234 (20191024) |       20234 (20191024) |
    | | archiver           |        1293 (20191004) |        1293 (20191004) |
    | | heuristic          |        1194 (20190918) |        1194 (20190918) |
    | | cleaner            |        1200 (20190916) |        1200 (20190916) |
    | | horus              |        7833 (20191016) |        7833 (20191016) |
    | | dblite             |        1110 (20190827) |        1110 (20190827) |


    The deamon freeze, after a reboot/restart after 5 until 15minutes.
    Before it freezes it scans and delivers Mails just fine.
    It Worked like a charm the last "year"


    its crazy, cause its almost to the day 1 Year since the last time this Bug appeared ....

  6. just made an Virus Database Update again.
    It Updated the engine from 18289 to 18291.
    the Update is from today - so it looks like it just was released.


    [root@srvmail01 sbin]# ./esets_update --verbose
    Virus signature database has been updated successfully.
    ESETS Update utility
    | | Module             | Available version      | Installed version      |
    | | loader             |        1072 (20180813) |        1072 (20180813) |
    | | perseus            |        1543 (20180927) |        1543 (20180927) |
    |*| engine             |       18291 (20181029) |       18289 (20181028) |
    | | archiver           |        1278 (20180924) |        1278 (20180924) |
    | | heuristic          |        1190 (20180924) |        1190 (20180924) |
    | | cleaner            |        1170 (20181025) |        1170 (20181025) |
    | | horus              |        7778 (20181017) |        7778 (20181017) |
    | | dblite             |        1103 (20180629) |        1103 (20180629) |



    now the daemons run since ~45 minutes.
    but as we know - it can be hanging later.
    Will report back later.

    to all ending here - Update your databases via:

    cd /opt/eset/esets/sbin
    ./esets_update --verbose


  7. It looks like the Problem is back since 25/10/2018.
    Also confirmed from the User Krzysztof L.

    Same error pattern as in the old topic.
    The daemon runs for 10 - 30 seconds and than is "dead"


    i Updated everything so far but problem persists.

    [root@srvmail01 ~]# /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_daemon --version
    /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_daemon (esets) 4.5.11
    ./esets_update --verbose
    Update is not necessary - the installed virus signature database is current.
    ESETS Update utility
    | | Module             | Available version      | Installed version      |
    | | loader             |        1072 (20180813) |        1072 (20180813) |
    | | perseus            |        1543 (20180927) |        1543 (20180927) |
    | | engine             |       18289 (20181028) |       18289 (20181028) |
    | | archiver           |        1278 (20180924) |        1278 (20180924) |
    | | heuristic          |        1190 (20180924) |        1190 (20180924) |
    | | cleaner            |        1170 (20181025) |        1170 (20181025) |
    | | horus              |        7778 (20181017) |        7778 (20181017) |
    | | dblite             |        1103 (20180629) |        1103 (20180629) |


  8. Ty Peter!
    installed it and will test it.

    appreciate your work - and dont worry, the best (and every) software has bugs ;)

    hope we figured the problem - my customers already go crazy ^^

    for the record:

    [root@mail sbin]# ./esets_update --verbose
    Update is not necessary - the installed virus signature database is current.
    ESETS Update utility
    | | Module             | Available version      | Installed version      |
    | | loader             |        1069 (20161122) |        1069 (20161122) |
    | | perseus            |        1532 (20171031) |        1532 (20171031) |
    | | engine             |       16530 (20171206) |       16530 (20171206) |
    | | archiver           |        1270 (20171113) |        1270 (20171113) |
    | | heuristic          |        1184 (20171110) |        1184 (20171110) |
    | | cleaner            |        1150 (20171031) |        1150 (20171031) |
    | | horus              |        6556 (20171206) |        6556 (20171206) |
    | | dblite             |        1095 (20171206) |        1095 (20171206) |


  9. My Last Response from ESET was on 22.11.2017 with the information:


    wir haben noch keine neuen Informationen von unserer Entwicklung bekommen.
    Sobald wir neue Informationen bekommen, melden wir uns wieder bei Ihnen.

    which translates to "we have no glue yet but we will inform you if we find a solution"

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