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About bettyboop

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  1. thank you! Load of Windows Updates are now installing too!
  2. It worked!!! (PHEW) I started with the first post by TomFace and clicked on the link to the 'live installer'. It found it in my 'downloads'...clicked on it and followed instructions. Must admit bit scarey as 'things with red crosses' initially kept popping up on my screen saying stuff like I wasn't protected (!!!) - got told to shut down pc (had to do this twice) and after what seemed like ages (but probably no more than a minute or two) ..with the second restart all seems to be fine! Big green ticked 'you are protected' and no 'messages' in Home or bouncing ball in updates! THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH for taking the time to help me.
  3. Thank you for all your replies. I've been checking in here every day but...couldn't find my original post! I will copy and paste your replies and let you know how it goes. I checked yesterday and the 'update' bar is now saying '3 of 3 ' ....and looked just now and STILL says the same. I clicked on Cancel Update..but nothing has happened. Will let you know how i get on!
  4. Noticed that an Update was available 'Installed version: 9.0.349.0 Available version (highlighted in green) 9.0.375.0 I clicked 'Instal' ... box opened to ask if I wanted to make change to my pc...clicked yes. Since then (I tried all day yesterday and pc been on over hour today... all I have is a bouncing black ball beside the highlighted 'update' in the column on LHS ie Home /Computer Scan/ Update/ Tools/Set up / Help & Support and a green '1' beside 'Home'. Nothing seems to be happening - the bar underneath Virus Signature database update (checking for updates) isn't showing any movement ..totally blank. If I hover over hidden icons on my tool bar the Eset icon says that it is updating...?? How long should this take?
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