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About Decker2124

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  1. Good morning ! ☕ I have installed the software on multiple Windows 10 and 11 computers where the locale/language is french, but ESET interface and threat notification shows in english. I assumed the installer would check the OS locale and install/set the interface that matches the user's language, since there is no clear indication for choosing a language. Is there a way to change the locale/language once installed ? I don't see any options for that in the PROTECT dashboard, nor on the app interface on the computers For CLI installation, the last info I found on the forum date from 2018 and the parameters and values were not the same depending on the post, and I don't want to reinstall the same software 5 times on an enduser PC :\ What are the parameters/values I need to set to install everything in a specific locale ? When creating an installer, there is no option to change the language that I could find: The one solution that looks legit is : PRODUCT_LANG=<LCID> (Source) Will this work for new installation ? And how about computers where it's already installed ?
  2. No, but maybe I don't have the name right? Here I'm referring to the software you usually install on a Windows computer to protect them. EDIT Oh, you put them in ESET Endpoint Products section... my bad. I'll reopen a threat there.
  3. Does the zip file contain any PII or contain information that can be a potential breach of privacy ? In the VM, I did get the blocked webpage and I had to turn off "Web access protection" to get the threat alert. After 20-30 minutes, the PROTECT dashboard finally showed the name of the threat found 🎉 I can assume then that I might have confused the alert "blacklisted" with "trojan" because of the "up to 30 minutes delay between infection and dashboard report" and the multiple reports for that website showing on the console. I can also assume the enduser didn't recall the events as they were, because testing on Linux with web access protection off obviously show the threat blocked notification. (it's broken on Fedora, but I'll have to test it again). Since the VM and the enduser PC have the same policies, I assume that if somehow "Web access protection" is turned off on the enduser machine, I would receive an alert inside the PROTECT dashboard ? (Forum logged me out while writing the reply and testing on the VM, I had to redo it, hopefully I'm not forgetting something 😅)
  4. Thanks for your reply @itman, but this is only for the web interface and not for the PROTECT interface installed on the endpoint computer - sorry if it wasn't clear.
  5. Good morning, and thanks for your (very fast!) reply. I have multiple policies, but none use this feature. I'm wondering if there is a central place to see the settings applied by all the policies. If the enduser themselves allowed the url, where would I find it? Note that on my computer, I receive the same alert and the console shows the same message and I did not whitelist such domain on my computer (hard to accidentally whitelist a domain, the linux ESET interface is very bare bone, and I would need to create a policy to whitelist the domain). Also, it wouldn't make sense for the console to show "Blocked by internal blacklist" if the domain is whitelisted somewhere, and still show the Trojan alert on the enduser computer. The console should still display the Trojan threat no matter what.
  6. I've installed ESET PROTECT on multiple Windows computer where the Windows locale is set to French, but the ESET UI appear in English. I didn't find an option to set a language in the "Installer" setting I didn't find an option to set the language in Policies or other settings after installation, even on the desktop interface How can I silently install ESET PROTECT in French ? How can I switch existing installations to French on the computers it is already installed ? Thanks for your time!
  7. Hey @Marcos, here is the URL: https://www.cliniqueantiaging.com To my knowledge, nobody added the link to a whitelist. Where I checked: Protect dashboard > Computers > Right-click on the computer > Details > Configuration > Applied Exclusions Since the user saw an alert about a threat, I was expecting I could see the same alert/threat on the console.
  8. In ESET PROTECT dashboard, I received a detection about a website being blocked. I was curious because the reason indicate I set up/enabled some kind of blacklist "Blocked by internal blacklist". Visiting the website for investigation purposes makes ESET throw a notification about "HTML/ScrInject.B" on my computer, which is fine because it got detected, but why can't I see the the actual reason for detection on the dashboard ? The current reason is... wrong. It detected a malware, it wasn't blocked due to some kind of blacklist. (Since I don't want to ruin the reputation of a maybe-legetimate-website now infected, I blurred the domain name) Thanks for your assistance !
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