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About Ansio

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  1. I am using android. Guess I should have said that. Sorry. Maybe eset isn't the option I was looking for. Bummer I have been using it for years.
  2. It is Samsung browser. Yes, secured browser. When Samsung internet is opened in eset. It is when I go to settings and change my default browser from Samsung to eset is when it happens. Google AI summary still shows, it is just the little links that show the references do not show up.
  3. Hello all, I recently installed eset and when I made eset my default browser it stopped Google AI links from popping up. What I am referring to is when you do a Google search and sometimes you see the "AI Overview" summary. There is often times a little link icon next to the item referenced. When I normally click on the link icon a little frame will slide up from the bottom of the window with links to what was cited. So ever since I made eset my default browser, the links icons no longer work. When I change it back to my other browser they start working. Is there a setting for this, or is it just a bug? Thanks for any insights. 🙂
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