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About Pinguin_NGE

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  1. Hello, I am experiencing a problem with the website campofrio.de. When I go the site or when I attempt to scan this site using Sucuri SiteCheck, I receive a warning from ESET stating that a threat named JS/Agent.RCS has been detected. Here are the details: Website in question: https://campofrio.de Issue observed: When trying to scan the website via Sucuri SiteCheck, ESET blocks access due to detecting JS/Agent.RCS. Additional context: The warning appears not only on direct visits to the site but also during scans performed by Sucuri. On VirusTotal, 9 out of 96 security vendors flagged this URL as malicious. URLVoid shows 2 out of 39 detections. It would be great if this issue could be clarified. Thanks in advance.
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