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Mlekoma Admin

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About Mlekoma Admin

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  1. Hi I have bought a reneweal for a license. It occured that it contained wrong email address, so i have removed the license form EBA and added again, hoping I can specify the correct email. My license had wrong email address, so I asked reseller to fix it. Now I'm in a situation that license is in VALIDATING state with wrong email address and I'm not able to remove it or validate or resend the validation email. I have added an alias to my mailbox, to be able to receive the validation, but is not possible. I consider to delete the EBA acount completly and create this from scratch. but it says the license will remain active - so probably it will not help anythig, but it will make the situation even worse... Any ideas hov to resolve the prolem? I have raised a ticket in the morning, but the support didnt respond yet. regards Greg public ID: 333-FWB-MRE
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