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Tarmi Ricmi

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About Tarmi Ricmi

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  1. Currently I am running VMs in HyperV, but I used VMware workstation and VirtualBox also. So that in itself should not be the issue (except if its related to the way network is configured, but since its various tools over the years, there should be no common setup). But bottom line is that after a while (based on trigger I am not aware of at the moment) it simply stops. Now, I have disabled gaming mode completely and haven't seen the issue for few days. But even if Gaming mode is on it should either (according to my knowledge, which may be wrong) tell me after I am out of full screen app that notifications were blocked or I should be able to find them in that blocked but that is never the case. For me, main issue which makes this one "bigger" is that ESET doesn't "honor" existing rules all the time. I will get question about Discord for example multiple times (even though the rule exist) and now I have 6 rules for Discord and for now it seems to be working but at some point it might ask me to create rule again. And yes, I when app is updated I do get questions to keep the rules which I always do. I have 5 rules for Skype (at least), 4 for GoogleDriveFS.exe, etc. So, for ESET gurus, is there log which should tell when such app is blocked (due to gaming mode or anything else) so I can check them once it happens again? Also, how long are those files kept (and can it be configured) and can they be exported to CSV/Excel?
  2. Its disabled in both those places. When did this "gamer mode" became a thing? Asking because I feel like I am having those issues forever 🙂
  3. Just to add my two cents - I have been battling with same issue for a very long time (5-6 years at least). Firewall is in interactive mode, I want to be able to chose which applications can access internet and I usually create rules. I was unable to pinpoint what causes notifications to stop, but they just do at some point and thus applications that don't have rules simply stop being able to access internet since I am not offered an option to allow them. I have reinstalled multiple versions of ESET internet security over the years, even started with blank rules few times but that doesn't solve the issue. And the only solution is to restart the whole computer which is usually a pain, since I have a lot of apps open with a VM or two running in the background. Based on what I've read here and on other places this seems to be a known issue among users, but not with dev team for some reason. One of the posts from 2022 lists forum post from 2014 that explains similar issue. So this has been plaguing users of ESET for a long time, with no resolution in sight. Post from 2014 is this - https://forum.eset.com/topic/34571-firewall-interactive-mode-dialogs-stop-appearing/ says that its solved in one specific version but later users complain again in newer versions. And there are new posts every now and then (this one included). Is this an ESET issue or something with way Windows works?
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