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  1. I've done further testing. The following websites are blocked despite being on my exceptions list. adaptive.akamaized.net/ adfs.untsystem.edu/ barnesandnoble.com/ catalog.unt.edu/ cdn.jwplayer.com/ They give me this screen The following pages are loading text only or have nearly all of their elements blocked. support.microsoft.com/ slack.com/ rockpointechurch.org/ ibm.com/ amazon.com/ I am still able to access some explicit websites not on me exception list unrestricted. The issue is occurring consistently in both Firefox and Edge.
  2. I fixed the comma issue. I am now able to access a few websites on my allow list. I'll be trying them all shortly. However, I am still able to access some explicit websites even though they should be blocked. I'm noticing that some of them will be blocked properly on some attempts, and then end up unblocked on later attempts. Some are just never successfully blocked unfortunately. I'm also noticing some random websites which shouldn't be loading at all are loading text only such as britannica shown below. The page for this forum post was also loading that way despite now being on my list of exceptions. I'll try everything on my exception list shortly.
  3. Here are the new logs. essp_logs.zip
  4. I have tried the suggestions Marcos made. I changed the format of the URL exceptions as listed above. I have also disabled Do not scan traffic with domains trusted by ESET. I have finally, enabled ESET liveGrid and liveGaurd. Additionally, I reset my browser history completely and rebooted my computer. Now I am not getting any exceptions working and am still finding some explicit websites working when I enable URL blocking. Is there something else I need to enable or disable? Did I get the format of the exceptions incorrect? I'll grab some new logs momentarily and upload them. Thanks for your help
  5. I'm using Firefox. I will try clearing my browser history. The screen that appears when the website is blocked is definitely eset though. Thank you for looking into these! The list of blocked addresses wasn't active at the time of the scan because I was trouble shooting it at the time. The other 3 are things I have not tried yet. I will try them and see if they fix the problem shortly. Thank you all for your help and patience with me!
  6. I've spent some more time troubleshooting. I have found that some websites on my allow list aren't being allowed either such as youtube.com.
  7. These are the current settings. Here's a screenshot of it. I'm still experiencing the issue. Though some of the above urls are now blocked since I switched over to the admin account. Other undesired links are still working however...
  8. Let me try it again then. Please stand by.
  9. Hello! I've attached a list of all websites I want to allow. Beyond that, everything else should be blocked. As far as what is working, random websites such as the following are not on the list, but being allowed anyways. https://friday.app/p/website-blockers https://heyfocus.com/blog/best-website-blockers/ https://www.ventureharbour.com/best-website-app-blockers/ I've found that I can pretty much google search anything and just go down the list of results and eventually stumble on something that loads despite the filter being active. Including explicit websites. I'll get the logs shortly. Is there any way to transfer the logs privately so that it's not public to the forums? Whitelist exceptions.txt
  10. Hello! I've had trouble before with internet filtering applications that are too easy to disable through various means on Windows. This application however seems like it's resilient to all the methods my users use to circumvent filtering software. However, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I have the need to block every single website except for the websites I allow in a whitelist. I tried doing what's listed on this guide to block all websites except those I specify: https://support.eset.com/en/kb2844-block-a-website-using-eset-windows-home-products I've gone into advanced setup, hit edit on the address list, opened the list of blocked websites, clicked on add, typed * into the add mask field, hit ok to close the add mask window, hit ok again to close the edit list window, hit ok to close the address list window and finally hit ok to close the advanced setup window with my administrator password. I did a similar process to add allowed websites. I've done the process for allowed websites as well. The allowed websites work perfectly fine. However, I'm finding that I have access to several websites that are not on my allow list that should be blocked with my block list according to that article. Parental controls are disabled, yet it's still blocking websites which means that the advanced block list is working, just not for everything except my allow list for some reason. It's allowing websites that are not on my allow list. What am I doing wrong?
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