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About SuHeAndZl

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  1. I used a network proxy for ESET. Although I set the proxy software to start at boot, the proxy software cannot start earlier than ESET. I will turn off the ESET proxy settings and try again. But what I want to say is that the previous version will not report an error even with this setting.
  2. This will be displayed every time you turn on the computer, but everything will be back to normal after a while. Picture 1: System risk warning Picture 2 The firewall cannot be started It won't be long before things get back to normal.
  3. I am a user from China. I am currently using machine translation. I have encountered a problem. Every time I start my computer, ESET will report an error. The specific error is that the firewall is not turned on. But it will start successfully after a while. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times but it didn't work. Please solve it. Thank you.
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