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About Avak

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  1. I rebooted it twice and it's working, in HIPS everything is working. Do you think its mean that my problem is solved? It says max protection in main menu
  2. WOW , IT STARTED. It was in automatic mode, but service status said that its stopped, so I cliced start from that window and its working
  3. So U think that scanning is not gonna help?
  4. I rebooted it many times, I'm gonna try the other things that U meant
  5. I think it's registerd once, I just started it normally and then i tried to run it as administrator
  6. Logfile.raressp_logs.zip I hope that this is what U meant
  7. Hello, I think that I acidently downloaded some malware (google also sent me "critical safety warning" about my email). ESET was warning me that sth is wrong with some files I downloaded, but I maneged to ignore that. Now when I'm trying to open ESET it's only poping for literaly half a second on task bar and then disapear. Do you have any idea how to fix that?
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