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About Cossack

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  1. Thank you for the explanation. I've checked the US site for Premium version. The price it shows me for 5 stations for 3 years is 192$. I am not willing to overpay that much. Considering the situation, I think it leaves me no other choice but to move all of my devices to the other security software I am using. Since I already have a license there for 5 devices, adding 5 more would only cost me around 40$. Thank you for your time and effort. I really appreciate it.
  2. I see. I was hoping there would be a solution for English speaking residence of Japan. Looks like ESET doesn't care for such customers. I also checked through the international website, navigating to US pricing. The prices I wrote are for ESET Ultimate. In Japan, Ultimate version for 5 stations for 3 years costs 130$. In US, 360$ for 2 years.
  3. Thank you for your suggestion. However, I live and Japan and my income is also relative to the prices in Japan. The prices in the US are way above what I am willing to pay. To begin with, I have 2 software security solutions that I am using. Due to a large number of devices in the family, I have 5 devices running ESET and 5 more with another program. Adding extra 5 devices to the other software I have, would cost me about 40$. I like ESET, so I'd prefer to keep using it, but not for any price. If it's a reasonable price, like in Japan (100$-150$) for 5 devices for 3 years, I'd buy it, but paying almost 400$ for 5 devices for 2 years, is not something I am comfortable with.
  4. The international webpage does not provide an option to place a purchase. Instead, when I press "buy" it redirects me to the local distribution page (Japanese in my case). I can manually select a country, but it then redirects me to that country's local distributor. In the end, I would need to place an order and pay for the software to attempt an installation and activation. I don't think that it is reasonable to go buying licenses everywhere until one of them works.
  5. Hello and thank you for your reply. You are right, I should be, however, as I mentioned, the installer is different from the one you referenced and does not have any language options. It doesn't look even remotely similar to the one in the link. I've attached a screenshot of the installer.
  6. Hello, I don't know if anyone has ever experienced something similar, but I hope that I can get some advise on how to resolve the issue. I live in Japan, but I don't speak Japanese. My previous license are about to expire in a few days. I decided to upgrade from ESET Internet Security to ESET Ultimate. Unfortunately I ran into a problem. When I purchased the license from the local provider through the ESET International webpage, a lint to the installer was sent to me by email instead of the usual activation key. The installer didn't look anything like the English version ones I used before and was entirely in Japanese. When I contacted ESET, I was told that Japan's ESET does not support English. They said that they will refund my purchase, but did not provide any solution. It seems as if English speaking residence in Japan cannot get English version of the product or any proper support. After chatting with them using a translator, they said that I could buy license through the international website from any country I wish, therefore I should just chose the country that has an English version. However, after reading a bit, I realized that ESET licenses may be regionally locked, meaning that they can be activated only within the country where they were sold. One additional possible issue is the support. I read on some forums that there may be issues with receiving support if the product was purchased from a different country. First, I don't have any way to know which ones are locked regionally and which ones are not. Second, the prices in most English speaking countries are around 5 time higher than here in Japan. I am not willing to pay 5-times the price, especially when there are other software security solutions that are just as reliable, but much cheaper. I've been a loyal customer of ESET for about 15 years (ever since it was just NOD32) and I'd prefer to stay with ESET, but it seems that I am more or less getting forced to switch to another security software. Does anyone know what can I do in this situation? My current license expire in 3 days. Thank you in advance.
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