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About Nataniell

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    Czech Rep.
  1. This one? Čas;Aplikace;Operace;Cíl;Akce;Pravidlo;Doplňující informace;Hash aplikace;Cílový hash 25.06.2024 16:32:08;C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\SystemSecure\Modules\System\secureboot64.exe;Spustit novou aplikaci;C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe;Blokováno;SKEN;;75C34BCB48FA08D0EF47504049192CA1E389DAC8;7140CAF2A73676D1F7CD5E8529DB861F4704C939
  2. full log TXT here but I fortgot to check hide empty locations in this log. Screan is newer PC-DOMOV.txt
  3. ok thanks for the tips I will continue to monitor everything
  4. Yes it was red. And file not exist anymore here. I uploaded file to virust total through AutoRun but I don't know if scan was completed before deletion.
  5. I did two reboots and everything seems ok... Thx for help
  6. Ok I just deleted \ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\SystemSecure\Modules\System\secureboot64.exe And pastebin detection has gone. This path was invisible in windows browser. I had to use Autorun to locate this file. I hope this deletion was enough.
  7. Yes, but that log also found secureboot.exe. So how can I cure this?
  8. I did the setup as instructed and got this log. So what next???
  9. After fresh boot only 3 apps are in HIPS rulle, chrome.exe, bluemail.exe, secureboot64.exe as you mention...
  10. No, just one, that log shows the first settings and then your adjusted settings together
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