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About TimBozo

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  1. Hello all, after years of being able to rid myself of malware without help, I'm now stuck. Nod32 is popping up the usual warning window saying a threat was found in file ... etc. When I click to see what files they are, they are .exe files, such as logitec mouse options, Nvidia Container and so on, but also various windows system apps when I try to open them. I've rebooted as the Eset window suggests, to complete the cleaning, but the same warnings pop up after every reboot. I have Nod32 (paid subscription) and Malwarebytes Premier running. A deep MalwareBytes scan is finding nothing and gleefully telling me my system is clean. I ran NKill and that found nothing. Have reset my Chrome browser so no extensions running. Ran a full Nod32 scan with today's detection updates installed (29419 20240619), nothing found. Has anyone got experience with a Win64/Rozena.ABC infection? Any idea how to clean it? All suggestions very much appreciated.
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