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About rogodra

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  1. Hi, this issue is being addressed here: https://forum.eset.com/topic/41396-eset-is-flagging-hundreds-of-legitimate-system32-processes-as-malware-and-running-my-computer-unusable/#comment-185846 In my case, the problem was solved by disabling the Windhawk program, which modifies the visual aspects of windows. I hope that solves the problem.
  2. Hello, the problem is not solved. For my part I have found where the error lies, I have been using the open source program Windhawk for a long time to make certain visual modifications to the system. If I disable the program at system startup the problems with Eset end. I wish I could use Windhawk as it makes my productivity so much easier. Now Eset has decided to block these functionalities for me. I would like a solution to this problem, if not I will have to choose between Eset or Windhawk, and I think I will choose the second option.
  3. I'm the same, for no apparent reason all of a sudden about half an hour ago two PC's at home started showing virus detection, endlessly showing a poster to restart the PC, you restart and the problem continues. The only option to get the PC going is by uninstalling ESET, and Windows Defender doesn't detect anything, Malwarebytes doesn't find anything either. log_eset.txt
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