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About FF04

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  1. I only removed the System32 folder as a way to try to fix the issue, not previously, but sure, I'll try
  2. I tried adding screenshots to the original post but it didn't work for some reason. First of all, I misread, it's rosena.abc. Here's a screenshot of what the log files look like. The log is too big to add here, so here's the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C4Y3GOEWERAUDjmMhpc0kuBitjik2hFp/view?usp=sharing
  3. Today I was using my PC when, out of the blue, I get an ESET notification stating that a threat "Roseta.ABC" had been found in a file and I needed to reboot. So I did, and everything went normal until I logged in and all I could see was an empty black screen. Eventually, after many forced reboots , I was back in windows. Opened up the logs and I have 229 detections of legitimate programs, with more coming in every minute or so. How do I fix this? Just exclude System32 from my scans? PS: Can't add image links for some reason
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