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About Georgesans3005

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  1. Also if the scan says in progress after a shutdown does it still continue because it doesn't show in the scans section if it does
  2. I found the log file but how do I filter it so it only shows whats been clean? For the scan I have no idea how long its been paused I wasn't at my computer when ot paused. The timer stopped and it said I needed to create an account to continue when I did though nothing happened and the timer was still stuck.
  3. I have a couple questions 1. When a scan completes where do I go to check whats been cleaned and how its been cleaned 2. Why did my scan pause and freeze when it was almost done 3. If I shut off my pc will the scans log be partially saved or will I have to redo the whole scan for it to clean 4. If my scan freezes what should I do?
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