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X-sec GmbH

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Posts posted by X-sec GmbH

  1. Since end one week all clients are unable to connect to the eset protect server.


    Some internal clients are able to connect to the server.

    All outside clients are unable to get connection to the server.

    In the log there are some suspicious entries.


    2024-03-27 09:54:25 Warning: CReplicationModule [Thread 15c8]: InitializeConnection: Not possible to establish any connection (Attempts: 1) [RequestId: 2d383547-7372-4bff-9c21-1c8d28e99c1e]
    2024-03-27 09:54:25 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 15c8]: InitializeFailOverScenario: Skipping fail-over scenario (stored replication link is the same as current) [RequestId: 2d383547-7372-4bff-9c21-1c8d28e99c1e]
    2024-03-27 09:54:25 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 15c8]: CAgentReplicationManager: Replication finished unsuccessfully with message: Replication connection problem: Authentication was not possible due to unavailable remote server or its unwillingness to respond, Task: CStaticObjectMetadataTask, Scenario: Automatic replication (REGULAR), Connection: manage-era.infra.360sec.de:2222, Connection established: false, Replication inconsistency detected: false, Server busy state detected: false, Realm change detected: false, Realm uuid: 0dca8bb8-b4e3-4692-86ef-115efa1126cc, Sent logs: 0, Cached static objects: 2, Cached static object groups: 1, Static objects to save: 0, Static objects to delete: 0, Modified static objects: 0
    2024-03-27 09:54:25 Warning: CReplicationModule [Thread 15c8]: GetAuthenticationSessionToken: Received failure status response: TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE (Error description: session token temporarily unavailable, device is not enrolled yet)


    the Clock is synced by using ntp server. That was my first idea.


    Any idea what to do ?




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